Our Training Academy
New Location Coming Soon!
Where we work to teach students the art of swordfighting from the ground up. Are you ready for the challenge to fight in the ring?
Working with teachers from a number of different backgrounds, we have programs for everyone, and offer a variety of core classes that will get you in tournament shape in no time.
We bring to Calgary something old, made brand new.
Our Classes
We teach both Armored and Unarmored:
Sword and Shield
Event Preparation
Working towards placing at an international tournament is the goal of every fighter, and here we give you the training you need.
Its not for the Faint of Heart
Lets face it, putting on armor and competing is some of the toughest activities you will ever do. How to get your fitness to that level? What techniques do you use to avoid injury? Here we have the one and only facility geared specifically for fighters to answer those and other burning questions on their road to glory in the lists.
The Love for Armored Combat - "We're all kind of looking for some outlet, that kind of outlet that we can get out the physical needs that we all have"
Richard Manns